1day luxury color work shop in Mumbai

Join Us for Mumbai Premier Luxury Color Experience! Popular YouTuber @Nilanjana.Dhar also recommends it.

Renowned color specialist Michiko Taoka, with 30 years of expertise, will personally guide you through a tailored color analysis using 32 unique shades to uncover your perfect match. Discover your ideal season through the 12-season color theory and receive personalized advice on hair color, makeup, fashion, nails, and accessories.

As a special treat, you'll receive:

  • A custom color palette
  • Personalized makeup and hair color recommendations
  • A beautiful scarf in shades that perfectly complement 

Date & Time Slots:

Please choose your preferred date and time:

⓵March 15th 10-12am

⓶March 15th 1-3pm

③March 15th 3:30-5:30pm

④March 16th 10-12am

⑤March 16th 1-3pm

Fee: 9000 INR

Place: Lower Parel area Luxury place

To book, please send a message with:

  1. Your preferred date and time
  2. Your name
  3. Your phone number